Essay: The revolutionary war between 1775 and 1783

The revolutionary war took place between 1775 and 1783, but most blacks supported the British. They thought that the British could offer them the earliest opportunity of freedom. The USA gained independence from Britain on July 4, 1776; the country established its own rules. The invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney from Massachusetts saw demand for slaves increase in 1793.


Essay: Geographical Position of Panama Canal

Sample Essay – Panama Canal

It is approximately 51 miles long and goes through important landmarks like the Gatun Lake and Culebra Cutand the Bridge of the Americas. The idea of cutting land to build a passageway was elegantly simple and apt. While theoretically it seemed straightforward, the construction of the canal was fraught with challenges. “The building of the Panama Canalinvolved three main problems — engineering, sanitation, and organization. Its successful completion was due principally to the engineering and administrative skills of such men as John F. Stevens and Col. George W. Goethals, and to the solution of extensive health problems by Col. William C. Gorgas.”  (Panama Canal)


Essay: The role of the Renaissance

Sample Essay – Renaissance

One of the most obvious impact that the Harlem Renaissance had on Duke Ellington’s career was that his initially his career developed because economic and social factors had created a setup where black artists were being appreciated in their own right’s and were being given opportunities to perform and display their art.


Essay: The Harlem Renaissance

Sample Essay – Harlem Renaissance

The Harlem Renaissance was a short time period in American history from around after World War I to 1939(some sources take the period to between 1900-1940-others even longer) in which African-American culture in the mediums of music, literature and others grew to be extremely popular. It was during this time that the black music and literature was developed as a separate genre in American Society, although there are scholars who are critical of this approach.


Essay: Panama Canal

Sample Essay – Panama Canal

Panama Canalis a waterway connecting the Atlanticand Pacific oceans across the Isthmus of Panama. This Canal was finally constructed in the early twentieth century but, the idea was conceived way back in the early 16th century. It was in 1524, when the advisers of Charles V suggested the idea of cutting out a piece of land through the isthmus in order speed up trade and transport. At that point in history, Spanish traders bringing gold fromPeru,Ecuador andAsia had to take long and tortuous routes through the oceans. The idea of building a canal was very exciting for them. However, this was also a time whenEurope was embroiled in wars, hence the idea never materialized and the project was kept aside.


Essay: French revolution and Italy

Sample Essay – French revolution and Italy

Duke Leopold of Tuscany reformed the system of governance in Tuscany and attempted to do the same when he became the Austrian Emperor. He abolished the capital punishment after being influenced by Beccaria’s work. In his small estate he made many administrative reforms which made industrial growth easier and also increased personal freedoms of the populace. These reforms and his attempts to implement similar ones in Austria (these were hampered by the instability in France and the threat on the Prussian border) make him out to be an enlightened monarch.


Essay: History of American Society

Sample Essay – History of American Society

It marked the losing end of a three year struggle for blacks’ property rights and a hopeless eighteen month court battle of Eddie Strickland’s which not only tarnished history for minority rights but marked the continuous racism prevailing the traces of which could even be encountered today.
