Essay: Western Civilization

Western civilization unlike its prehistoric civilization is no longer directed by Agriculture, but rather by organized trade and industry. Despite the progresses, the western Christianity still views Islamic faith in the same light. Western civilization always associates its political and cultural identity with Christian religious views. Following the early wars with Muslims western civilization still judge Islamic practices suspiciously.


Essay: To Have Control of the Region

In order to have control of the region, Rome under Pope Urban II, called for Europe to save the church and gain the holy land covering North Africa, Palestine and Sicily from Islam. This first crusade was driven by the need to protect the church, take over cities of economic interest more so Spain and religious sites like Jerusalem from Islam.


Essay: Conclusion of the Paper

The manner in which Christianity in western civilization responds to Islam is a product of holy wars that have their roots in history. The Islamic rule rose in the 7th century after the fall of the Empires like Roman and Persian. During this time, Christians under these empires had to fight to protect the church and their states against the advance of Islam Jihads with crusades.


Essay: The revolutionary war between 1775 and 1783

The revolutionary war took place between 1775 and 1783, but most blacks supported the British. They thought that the British could offer them the earliest opportunity of freedom. The USA gained independence from Britain on July 4, 1776; the country established its own rules. The invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney from Massachusetts saw demand for slaves increase in 1793.


Essay: Colonization in the Americas by European

Colonization in the Americas by European increased the demand for slaves. Europeans needed labor for their plantations and mines. They enslaved many Indians, but many Indians died because of European diseases. This implied that they could no longer get labor from the Indians and they started to ship slaves from West Africa. As opposed to slaves in parts of Latin America, those in the US had better lives. Since US slaves had access to medical care, they lived longer than their counterparts in other parts of the world did.


Essay: Study of Britain’s economic history

Sample Essay

A significant investigator named Seebohm Rowntree said:

Families whose total earnings are insufficient to obtain the minimum necessities for the maintenance of merely physical efficiency. Poverty falling under this head may be described as primary poverty. Families whose total earnings would be sufficient for the maintenance of merely physical efficiency were it not that some portion of it is absorbed by other expenditure; either useful or wasteful. Poverty falling under this head may be described as secondary poverty.
