Essay: French revolution and Italy

Sample Essay

Duke Leopold of Tuscany reformed the system of governance in Tuscany and attempted to do the same when he became the Austrian Emperor. He abolished the capital punishment after being influenced by Beccaria’s work. In his small estate he made many administrative reforms which made industrial growth easier and also increased personal freedoms of the populace. These reforms and his attempts to implement similar ones in Austria (these were hampered by the instability in France and the threat on the Prussian border) make him out to be an enlightened monarch.


Essay: History of Indian Tribes

Sample Essay

The Seminole tribe has dealt well with new challenges and ideas however the Navajo tribe has also done extremely well. I believe that instead of the Navajo tribe it is the Nanticoke tribe which has remained closest to its traditions despite the fact that their original language has been lost. This is because of two important reasons, one that they have tribal laws which forbid profit-making from vice, laws which indicate a desire to remain loyal to old values and ideals and also there are many individuals from the tribe making efforts to gather and record as much of their history as possible.


Literature on History of American Society

Sample Essay

A couple of decades ago they lived in inner city isolation or were rather made to as they shopped from the same stores, lived in community blocks and their children went to the same schools, at the same time the residents were able to practice effective control in terms of social norms too. Assimilation and integration is what followed to disperse and enhance their belongingness into the general society and be appreciated and recognized for what they were. However, even though social acceptance has followed, blacks still fall in the most unemployed category.


Essay: Scientific Management History

Sample Essay

Though it spread from the United States to European countries and witnessed a downfall, it is something that still exists in a few developing countries and that too refined to some manufacturing sectors only.  Secondly, at all levels of the organization the scientific theory assumed a very high scope of specialisation and fails to acknowledge multi tasking which is not exactly the norm prevailing as of today. Lastly, it accounted for a slowing of productivity in the 1970’s as it was proved not exactly to be the best way of achieving globalization (Hurrel & Woods 1999, pp. 49).


Essay: History of American Society

Sample Essay

It marked the losing end of a three year struggle for blacks’ property rights and a hopeless eighteen month court battle of Eddie Strickland’s which not only tarnished history for minority rights but marked the continuous racism prevailing the traces of which could even be encountered today.


Essay: French Revolution

Sample Essay

“Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains. One thinks himself the master of others, and still remains a greater slave than they.”(The Social contract 1762-Jean Jacques Rousseau- Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
