STEM Education and Gender Equity

STEM Education and Gender Equity

STEM education, encompassing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, is crucial for fostering innovation and addressing global challenges. However, gender equity in STEM remains a significant issue, with women and girls often underrepresented in these fields. Efforts to promote gender equity in STEM education are essential for creating a diverse and inclusive workforce.


Definitions of Stress

Stress is a familiar term that has been interpreted in a variety of ways. For example, several definitions of stress specific to children have been offered in the literature. Stress is defined as a physical, emotional, or chemical factor that interferes with an individual’s ability to function adaptively. The meaning Read more…

Research Paper on Nursing Values

Nurse executives are responsible for upholding their profession’s humanistic values and achieving goals necessary to maintain organizational viability. When divergent goals and ideals exist, values often facilitate decision-making. However, nurse executives may be compelled to respond to both nursing and organizational value structures. Exploration of nurse executive’s perceptions regarding the Read more…

Essay: Malaria

Malaria is a fever-like infectious disease that is caused by a parasite of the genus Plasmodium. It is rampant in the tropical and sub-tropical regions. Its fatality is mostly experienced in Sub-Saharan Africa, especially among the young children. The deaths caused by Malaria (more than 250 million deaths are recorded each year), are alarming and have gone to the extent of destabilizing the economic development of affected regions. It is usually associated with poverty.


Essay: Etiology & Pathophysiology of ICP

Sample Essay – Etiology 

As mentioned earlier that there are three components in the intracranial cavity, increase in any one of the components can lead to increased ICP.

The common etiologies which can lead to increase in brain volume include hematoma (extradural, subdural), brain tumors, vascular malformations and cerebral abscess. Brain edema due to head injury, stroke, meningitis and encephalopathy (hepatic, toxic, hypertensive) can also lead due increase in brain volume and ICP.


Essay: The Drinking Age

Sample Essay – The Drinking Age

I strongly believe that the drinking legal age should be lower to 18 years in the United States because it is just not the solution to all the problems as seen by the government and parents. The young adults of the present generation are smart and literate enough to be allowed to drink in the controlled environment or under supervision in the public places such as bars, pubs, restaurants, parties, special occasions and university gatherings.


Essay: Intracranial pressure

Intracranial pressure (ICP) means the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within the skull cavity or cranium. In normal and healthy individuals, the value of ICP is kept constant by various homeostatic mechanisms. Increased ICP is a common neurological and neurosurgical problem which can lead to cerebral ischemia and direct brain injury. Signs and symptoms of increased ICP include headache, nausea, vomiting, Cushings reflex, papilledema and focal neurological deficits. Measures used to control and manage raised ICP include head elevation, hyperventilation, hypothermia and use of drugs like steroids, mannitol and antihypertensives. Nursing care and interventions are a crucial part of the management of such patients and can have significant impact on the outcome of these patients.
