Sample Essay – Panama Canal

Panama Canalis a waterway connecting the Atlanticand Pacific oceans across the Isthmus of Panama. This Canal was finally constructed in the early twentieth century but, the idea was conceived way back in the early 16th century. It was in 1524, when the advisers of Charles V suggested the idea of cutting out a piece of land through the isthmus in order speed up trade and transport. At that point in history, Spanish traders bringing gold fromPeru,Ecuador andAsia had to take long and tortuous routes through the oceans. The idea of building a canal was very exciting for them. However, this was also a time whenEurope was embroiled in wars, hence the idea never materialized and the project was kept aside.

It was in the nineteenth century that the Spanish government once more became interested in the project. “In 1819 the Spanish government formally authorized the construction of a canal and the creation of a company to build it”. (The Panama Canal)

Surveys showed that either a route throughNicaraguaor throughPanamacould be successful. Initially an international company and later Ferdinand Marie de Lesseps, the builder of theSuez Canal, took over the project. It was after the discovery of gold inCaliforniathatAmericabecame interested in the project.

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