Research Questions on IT Risk Management

Sample Essay – IT Risk Management The core problem that this research proposal intends to address is the ineffectiveness and inefficiency of most financial institutions’ current IT risk management organizational structures which hinders these institutions from successfully utilizing the IT risk management function. In line with this main problem, several Read more…

Research Study on Assessing School Violence

The problem of school violence is of widespread concern in Canadian communities. Unfortunately, much of the literature to date has focused on perceptions and statistics as drawn from the media, teachers, politicians and law enforcement agencies, not students themselves. Notwithstanding the need for collaboration among students, teachers, administrators, parents, police, Read more…

Research Paper on Nursing Values

Nurse executives are responsible for upholding their profession’s humanistic values and achieving goals necessary to maintain organizational viability. When divergent goals and ideals exist, values often facilitate decision-making. However, nurse executives may be compelled to respond to both nursing and organizational value structures. Exploration of nurse executive’s perceptions regarding the Read more…