Sample Essay

This report is about the analysis and comparison of hybrid and gasoline vehicles; and would use qualitative research method along with the definitions, description, background, findings and interpretations of the models of Hybrid Ford Explorer and original gasoline vehicles. 

This report is the evaluative contrast and comparison of hybrid vehicles with gasoline vehicles. Both kinds of vehicles are totally different from one another. Gasoline powered vehicles have internal combustion engines which are run on gasoline.

The vehicles which are being operated electricity are in use since decades, but their production have never been in mass production. However, hybrid vehicles are the new technology which has seen widespread enormous welcome from its audience. Hybrid vehicles are manufacture as environmentally safe and provides best alternative for gasoline vehicles.

The main objective of this research report is to present an overview of the hybrid and gasoline vehicles. This report has been assembled to have a wide vision and understanding of the comparison between both types of vehicles with every necessary detail and description which is needed to put in for the perspective of the hybrid and gasoline vehicles. It is made for an undergraduate degree report standard and the main audience of this report is the professor of the student who has prepared this document.

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