Sample Essay

 In the past, governments tried to prohibit drinking but did not succeed in stopping the children from drinking. Neither it was stopped in the past, nor would it be stopped now.

The world has seen a dramatic fast modernization that was never seen in the history, so is the case with the young generation. The new generation at present is way too smart and sensible than the prior ones. They know what to do and how to react in what conditions and what should be done in what circumstances. If stopped, the trauma of drinking would increase instead of decreasing. It is recorded that an average student coming under the age of 21 years consumes at least 5 drinks in a normal week. Those less than 21 years are strong and heavy drinkers than those of over 21 years old students. The number of young drinkers has increased since the time it was banned for them and hospitalization of young drinkers (usually regarded as the “bringe drinkers”) has increased than it was 10 years before.

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