Essay: The internet as a dominant tool in public life

In this essay I examined whether the internet expands contemporary public life and if it has emerged as a dominant interactive medium. I used Habermas’s idea of public sphere. Given the ability of people to connect with others around the globe through the Internet as discussed, my case study reveals some points: The internet is a dominant tool in public life secondly, Facebook worked well as a place to organise meetings between activist in Tunisia and Egypt.


Essay: Digital tools of social networking

I argue that these digital tools are simply, well, tools, and social change continues to involve many painstaking, longer-term efforts to engage with political institutions and reform movements. It’s been extremely entertaining to watch– adherents of the view that digital tools of social networking such as Facebook and Twitter can summon up social revolutions, that the internet can be an effective tool for political change when used by grassroots organisations (as opposed to atomised individuals).


Essay: Massive street protests in Egypt on Facebook

Comments, social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, among mobile technology, are recording critical events fuelling and organizing dissenters in Tunisia, Egypt and other Arab countries. The social network gives people a way to express themselves and have their voice heard by governments and dictators   this was not so before. However, I think Facebook gets too much credit for these things. Though the protests came together largely through informal online networks, their success has also raised questions about whether a new opposition movement has formed that could challenge whatever new government takes shape.


Essay: The internet has created a new language

However, I pointed out that the internet also has huge challenges in the Middle East. It is notable  that many of the calls to protest in the Arab region were initially made on Facebook, The author, who was raised in Tunisia and Egypt, said the social networking sites had provided a vital means of communication for protesters in the Middle East but their importance should not be exaggerated.


Essay: Pattern Coding

Sample Essay

In order to understand the patterns and recurrences among the codes, Miles and Huberman (1994) suggest moving to the next level with pattern coding which allows for identification of emergent themes. The same researchers suggest that pattern coding is crucial for getting to the next level but include the point that codes that do survive the onslaught of several passes at the case and several attempts to disqualify them often turn out to be conceptual hooks on which the analyst hangs the meatiest part of the analysis. Miles and Huberman also point out that “pattern codes are hunches: some pan out but many do not” (p.72).


Essay: Management of IT Systems in Saudi Banking

Sample Essay

The domain of this doctorate research project revolves around the proliferation, implementation and development of management information systems in the banking industry operating in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The focal point of this research involves assessing the efficacy of these systems, and to what degree has their application cushioned or enabled banks in Saudi Arabia (SA), to deal with dynamic developments in the global banking industry, especially with counterparts in developed nations.


Essay: Very High Bit Rate DSL

Sample Essay

VDSL supports either symmetric or asymmetric transfer rates with first generation VDSL providing either symmetric data transfer rates of 13 or 26 Mb/sec or asymmetric data transfer rates of 52 Mb/sec downstream and 6.4 Mb/sec upstream. However high data transfer rates can only be maintained over short distances.


Essay: Perspectives for adopting LED Technology

Sample Essay

The business venture based on the LED lighting and fixtures would be established in association with the ADWEA in Abu Dhabi, therefore and association and affiliate barding strategy would be employed. The energy efficiently, environmental friendliness and low disposal and wastage costs of the product would be incorporated into the core values of the business venture to reflect the product quality and characteristics. A separate management would be established that would be focused on the development of a business venture focused towards alternative lighting solution like LED.
