Essay: Personality Analysis of women

Sample Essay

Several studies indicate that women have proved to be academically better achievers than men. Numerous studies across the world have been conducted to analyze the claim and such pattern could be observed anywhere in the world. The fact that could easily be established is that when a woman in any society is being provided an opportunity she tries to put in all possible efforts to prove herself. No matter what era she lives in or what part of earth she belongs to, her intelligence and capability has always been questioned and in order to show the society her capabilities and potential a woman divulges herself in the hard work. That is where women around the world have made their marks.


Essay: Introduction to Schizophrenia

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Schizophrenia is a psychological disorder that disables the brain from functioning normally. In most cases, schizophrenia has proven to be a chronic disease. It can affect a human being as early as at five years of age and is equally common in both genders. With time, the disease has seen a sharp increase and today every one in five people are reported to be suffering from some type of schizophrenia (National Institute of Mental Health, 2006). Schizophrenia is many a times confused with multiple personality or split personality disorders, however, it should be noted that this particular disease is different from multiple personality disorder.


Essay: How Drug Abuse Leads To Schizophrenia

Sample Essay

Before shedding light on how drug abuse leads to schizophrenia, it is important to be clear about the fact that at times a drug-intoxicated person may behave in the same way as a schizophrenic patient. This may not necessarily mean that the addict is schizophrenic as his behavior may be a side effect of drug over dosage. Moreover, some prescribed medical drugs also have side effects that are similar to those seen in schizophrenic patients. These effects are temporary, therefore, such a person should also not be considered as a schizophrenic patient.


Essay: Drug Abuse and Schizophrenia

Sample Essay

Drug abuse and abuse of illicit or street drugs in particular, have become an increasingly common concern around the world in recently. Drug abuse, also known as substance abuse, refers to an over usage of any kind of drug, be it a medical drug or an illicit drug, however, the term is more commonly associated with use of illicit drugs (National Institute of Mental Health, 2006). These drugs may include marijuana, cocaine, PCP, LSD, Cannabis and hash. Drug abuse is common in younger age groups, primarily teenagers and people in their twenties, but at times, people of older age are also found to be drug addicts. Usually, drug addicts from older age groups are those people who start using drugs in a younger age and are unable to quit the habit at an early age. As a result, their addiction is carried forward to old age.


Essay: Cognitive-behavior

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Cognitive-behaviorists generally believe in the role of social learning in childhood development, and the ideas of modeling and reinforcement. People’s personalities come from these experiences in which they are involved in critical learning, identification of appropriate (and inappropriate) thoughts and feelings, and imitation of these behaviors, thoughts, and feelings.(G.M.J)


Essay: Psychological Tests

Sample Essay

In the case of projective tests individuals offer responses to ambiguous scenes, words or images. These tests are now used to supplement other tests because they have low reliability or validity scores and the testing situation and examiner’s behavior affects the response. The scoring is subjective and not consistent among scorers and test-retest inconsistencies are universal. Clinicians’ descriptions of personalities and feelings and their conclusions fail to match the self-report of the client. Also projective tests are sometimes biased against other ethnic groups. The advantages are that they are a good preliminary or supplementary test to derive initial impressions.
