Essay: On the Job Training

It has been suggested that the best strategy to achieve the objectives of health care management is on-job training. The clinical setting is the best environment for the gaining of managerial and leadership skills since it gives practical experience of what is described in the health care management curriculum.


Essay: Malaria

Malaria is a fever-like infectious disease that is caused by a parasite of the genus Plasmodium. It is rampant in the tropical and sub-tropical regions. Its fatality is mostly experienced in Sub-Saharan Africa, especially among the young children. The deaths caused by Malaria (more than 250 million deaths are recorded each year), are alarming and have gone to the extent of destabilizing the economic development of affected regions. It is usually associated with poverty.


Essay: Conduction of Tests

Tests are conducted because scientific evidence has shown that patients suffering from RA, have serum that had agglutinins against the common heamolytic streptococci, which led in the use of agglutination reaction as a valid diagnosis test. This is another test which provides diagnosis results for RA (Gotzsche, 2008). However, as most researches are proving, there are patents with negative results for agglutination, therefore diagnosis tests which a negative are often not rejected.
