Essay: Role of the new drug on HIV

Sample Essay

Although ideally everyone should have access to this drug, the problem is that this drug will cost far more than $6000 when it reaches the consumer. Thus the cost involved in providing it to everyone will be prohibitive and almost impossible because UN funding is needed for a number of other projects as well.


Essay: Pharmaceuticals and HIV curing drugs

Sample Essay

Many pharmaceutical companies conduct their drug trials in developing countries withinAfrica(Kent D. 2004). If the drug’s safety and efficacy is established as a result of these trials, then it is the ethical responsibility of the company to give back to the community. It should provide the drug at subsidized rates to these people. This could be one way through which under-privileged populations with a high disease burden could get access to the drug.


Essay: Key Issues pertaining to Women’s’ health

Sample Essay

A major cause of death amongst women of reproductive age is linked to child birth complications.  Many of those who survive the rigors of childhood suffer from disabilities sustained during their pregnancies.  A system has to be implemented where women of low-economic socio staus are given the same health care benefits as their well off counterparts.  Child birth complications are invariably related to low socio-economic status.


Essay: Women’s Health

Sample Essay

Women are an integeral part of our society and therefore their health needs (which are in a deteriorating state especially in the developing countries) should be given utmost priority.  The world bank’s latest agenda on womens health and nutrition not only recognizes the problems of womens health world over, but has also formulated preventative methods and cost effective interventions for maximum health gains.


Essay: Psychophysiological tests

Sample Essay

Psychophysiological tests measure physiological responses such as increases in heart rate, blood pressure, temperature as suggestive of psychological problems. The downside to this sort of test is that it usually requires expensive equipment which needs consistent maintenance. The test results also show reduced validity and reliability as the situation may cause participant anxiety which will change physical responses. Also physiological responses show changes they are measured repeatedly in a single session.


Essay: Drinking Age and Effects on Health

Sample Essay

The major argument that should be considered in support of lowering the legal drinking age, is that if an individual can be expected to serve in the army and survive the mental trauma that is experienced in wars likeIraqandAfghanistan, then is it really fair to not allow someone of that age to drink. We can further stress on the absurdity of this contrast when we analyze some of the impacts that the war has on young men and women even after they return. An example of this impact is the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Around 12,422 war veterans have been in VA counseling with this disorder.
