Essay: Thread and Its Forms

Sample Essay

Disciplined concurrent programming can improve the structure and performance of computer programs on both uniprocessor and multiprocessor systems. As a result, support for threads, lightweight processes, has become a common element of new operating systems and programming languages. A thread is a sequential stream of instruction execution (Anderson1).    Thread is a basic unit of CPU utilization. It consists of a thread ID, a program counter, a register set, and a stack. Threads of the same process share its code section, data section and other operating system resources (Silberschatz 127).


Essay: Supply Chain

Sample Essay

In the competitive world today it is highly imperative that customer delight is maintained by providing customized products characterized by timely delivery (Jespersen and Larsen 9). Therefore, with changing times, we witness the shift from focus on tough competition between firms in an industry to a focus on competition of supply chain management; it is thus a war of supply chains. Companies or even retailers for that matter need to lay more stress on markets where demand patterns change quickly, where there are many customer relationship groups and market segments and where product augmentation is essential, to be more precise, it is where customers focus on experiences as compared to the mere physical products.
