Essay: Psychological Tests

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In the case of projective tests individuals offer responses to ambiguous scenes, words or images. These tests are now used to supplement other tests because they have low reliability or validity scores and the testing situation and examiner’s behavior affects the response. The scoring is subjective and not consistent among scorers and test-retest inconsistencies are universal. Clinicians’ descriptions of personalities and feelings and their conclusions fail to match the self-report of the client. Also projective tests are sometimes biased against other ethnic groups. The advantages are that they are a good preliminary or supplementary test to derive initial impressions.


Essay: Packaging as a Marketing Tool

Sample Essay

Good packaging is that it should differentiate your product from your competitors. This is especially important when a product is competing in a heavily dominant or competitive market and the manufacturers are trying to secure an edge by tackling a specific niche in the market. Also if the packaging is not different in terms of color scheme or graphics consumers might not be able to differentiate the product from the competitions.


Essay: Malthus’s theory

Sample Essay

He devised a thought that poor nations would find it extremely difficult of  going beyond their subsistence levels and being able to eke out an affluent life until and unless they undergo ‘preventive checks’ of controlling population (Hughes 38), for instance, birth control. Hence, failure to abide by these preventive measures makes malnutrition and poverty inevitable. He further argues that no increase in food would be able to cope up with the ever increasing level of population and that land is highly finite.


Essay: Malthusian Theory; Opponents and Proponents

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At the first stage as suggested by Malthus, birth rates start mounting up in the presence of increasing death rates while the per capita income is thought to substantiate living. Stage two witnesses burgeoning population rates. Likewise, at the completion of stage two and  at per capita income in a given period of time when population would have reached it’s maximum, birth rates would yet again decline. The Malthusian population trap would have thus reached a saturation point.


Essay: Issues faced by Canadian Immigrants

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A major issue is that native-Canadians believe that the focus should be taken off immigrants and that they took too many immigrants as it is. A recent study revealed that 45% of Canadians living inAlbertabelieve that no more immigrants should be taken in. Education will help immigrants integrate better into Canadian community.
