There has been a lot of discussion about the mental and physical fitness of children but unfortunately the discussion about the fitness of adults. Adulthood is that stage of life in which one has so many responsibilities to take care of. Due to their busy schedule, adults mostly forget about spending time for themselves. There is a common believe that games are quite beneficial for mental and physical fitness of a young child, this theory goes same with an adult person. Adults are mostly stuck in their busy lives, to air away the stress of life they can opt for games. Playing games, physical or mental, can have significant impact on the health of an individual.

Life as an adult is not easy at all; it demands unending labor and concentration. With tons of responsibilities hovering around, adult people become short-tempered and agitated. Psychologists believe that playing games is a good way of relaxing. Games can act like a punching bag on which an adult can punch and release his stress.

There are mainly two types of games: mental games and physical games. Mental games are those games which stimulate one’s cognitive ability. Games such as chess and other puzzle-based games improve the mental capability and memory. Young people do not have as stress full life as adults have; therefore, adults are in greater need of stress-relief activities. Physical games are also very useful for combating a stressful life. Adults can spend few hours playing physical games. Physical games keep the subject active and healthy. Games such as football, cricket, badminton, etc help burning the excessive fat in the body and releasing the energy which gives a refreshing feeling to the subject.

In the modern world, adults can easily keep themselves busy playing beneficial mental games on their samrtphones. Such games instill the habit of quick decision making to solve an issue. Physical games and activities are also necessary to keep the body fit. Being an adult does not mean that you are retired to have fun. A person can have as much fun as young people have even in his adulthood. Playing games is healthy and beneficial for both mental health and physical health.

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