Sample Essay

The National Security Council ‘denies terrorists the support and sanctuary of rogue states’ or ‘control of any state they would use as a base and launching pad for terror’.

This is characteristic of the fact that recently President Obama announced a new strategy in March expressing vehemently that the focus of the NSC is to demolish the existence of Al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan and the strategy would be stringent enough to prevent their future existence and their whereabouts in both the countries. For such a stance to be made effective, new troops have been deployed whilst the strategy calls for more resources and national effort to be invested. Thus, the war on terror continues but this time with a new strategy aimed at destroying enemy camps within the country USA is not at war with.

Taking an action against a country that paves way to potential threat might not be considered right until it really makes the threat possible and makes it exist into a crisis situation for the United States. Therefore, either the terrorist camps should be dealt with very intelligently or the issue should be left with the country itself where they reside in.

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