Sample Essay

Michael C. Jackson has put forward this strong concept of SOSM of system thinking in operational research, he plotted the problem contexts along two axes, horizontal depicts increasing values divergence in unitary, pluralist, and coercive situations, and along vertical the complexity of the problem resides in two levels of simple and complex (Jackson, 2000, p.110).

It is evident from the grid that as values and interests become more diverged in the organization, problem context become more complex, so as the systems and processes to solve these proms change.

            As for our major metaphor the suitable operational research approach is Viable System Model (Beer, 1979, p.135 ), so our aim is to show that which systems and procedures are viable at QP, to make this agreement successful.

System thinking provides the systems for management practices, but it is not only applicable to managers but for all participants of the organization, it provides improvement in societies and companies. These methodologies benefit all stake holders; they support rationality, comprehensiveness, and well being of fellow men. System thinking is the root of modern philosophy, but it is not created a unified theory, instead it supports a combination of theories suited for a particular purpose. They are meant to improve human conditions, but a critical view is required to monitor the fallacies in reinforcing the decisions at all levels ( Jamshed, 2005, p. 45)..

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