Sample Essay

I have always wanted to have a career. However, at the same time, I have wanted a career that would provide me more than monetary benefit. A career that would enable me to care for the community, and give a piece of me back to the community that helped me become the person I am today. In the profession of nursing I found the perfect blend.  It is a career that though tough, provided me with the satisfaction I needed from my work. The more I spent my time in the field of nursing, the more I became convinced that it was the calling I had been looking for.

I am currently working as a nurse in an elementary school for children with special needs. In the school, I am faced with a huge diversity of situations. I do not only encounter physical health problems, but psychological issues as well. It is extremely satisfying to be part of a team that is helping special children develop their unique potentials and then seeing them thriving in that direction. However, at times I feel restricted and hesitant to give advice. I feel that maybe my expertise is not as much as it should be, and that I need more knowledge to be able to handle the diverse situations more confidently.

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