Sample Essay

Solomon controlled the entire region west of the Euphrates and had peaceful borders. He had a large share in the trade between northern and southern countries. He established 12 colonies around his province to responsible for military, governmental and trade related matters. His long and progressive reign in the 14th Century B.C. did not include any major military campaigns, but was characterized by unprecedented peace and stability throughout the Near East.

He is renowned as “the first great commercial king of Israel.” (Unger, 1954).  Taking advantage of land and sea trade routes, Solomon expanded Israel’s trade to a remarkable degree. Although Solomon had built a strong and well-equipped army and navy, he relied upon a system of treaties with his neighbors to keep the peace.

The wars that Solomon did participate in included the battle against the city state of Hamath on the Orontes River in the extreme north of his kingdom in order to secure this portion of his frontier. Accordingly, he took Hamath and built store cities in this region (2 Chron. 8:3, 4).

Rezon of Damascus (1 Kings 11:23-25) and Hadad the Edomite (1 Kings 11:14-22) were also enemies of Solomon, but each without the military or political might to cause serious trouble for Solomon (Unger, 1954).

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