Sample Essay

Roman Catholic Church follows the teachings of Jesus Christ with the help of the holy book, the Bible and their religious leader, the Pope. There are certain rules and traditions which are followed by the church management and by all the Christians around the world who console the management of the Roman Catholic Church whenever they are in need of any sort of information or help (Moberg 16).

Nonetheless, the societal impacts of the Roman Catholic Church are mentioned below in bullets points:

  • The Authority: Being the pioneer and the top authority present among all as compared to all the authorities of the religion Christianity, the pope and the management of the Roman Catholic Church are eligible to accept or reject the decisions or suggestions made by people.
  • Spreading the Message: The whole management and authorities of the Roman Catholic Church are always busy in teaching and attending the religious practices to the people. They intend to spread the word of Jesus Christ through any media available; nowadays the technology has advanced tremendously so the teaching of the Jesus Christ are conveyed to other not only through schools, universities, colleges, hospitals, missionaries; but also through the mediums like telecommunications, the internet and field courses.

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