Sample Essay

E-waste recycling is a major issue because of which The Basel Treaty in Switzerland was signed in 1989 gathering quite a number of European countries.

Cables and boards which are dipped in acid for the pursuit of metals are completely stripped of all traces of items that could result in money, while other means include the burning of PVC to extract copper. Unfortunately, the residue and left over acid are then dumped into rivers and sewers nearby thus creating a threat for many other people.

For the quest of having cheap labour, e-waste gets dumped in from Middle East, Europe, USA and other parts of Asia. As this issue is being raised, it is no doubt the duty of manufacturers to now produce electronic goods that are environment friendly and not as obnoxious for recyclers.

It is still argued that various products are still not separated as they should be (Harrison & Hester 2009). Though ten individual categories of electronic waste have been defined, uncertainty still prevails as to what stage LCD’s (Liquid Crystal Displays) and Circuit Boards should be removed from the waste stream.

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