Sample Essay

Drug legalization has long been an issue of debate. Psychologists and physicians have long engaged in discussions on whether legalizing drugs would have a positive / negative effect. As I see it, following would be the advantages if all the drugs are made readily available to the public:

  1. Drug consumption would increase as the availability and accessibility to drugs would be a lot easier.
  2. Prices on drugs would be reduced to an extent as it becomes a commodity that can easily be obtained at a lower cost.
  3. Economically, from a buyer’s perspective, the cost of searching for a drug would be down to a minimum.

On the other hand, it also provides for some grave disadvantages that must be discussed here:

  1. Legalization of drugs would definitely result in affecting and possibly hampering family lives, resulting in broken marriages.
  2. Taking drugs that are easily available everywhere may result in an increase in the number of traffic deaths per year
  3. More cases are likely to appear in the hospital, due to drug overuse, thereby resulting in increased per family budget expenses towards health, as well as overall health management spending by the government to deal with welfare cases in this context.

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