Published in the Harvard Business Review in 1983, the Parable of the Sadhu describes a time when McCoy was in Naples, trekking up the Himalayan mountains. On the way, he encountered other travelers, of different nationalities, with whom he had the same goal.

Sometime during their journey, the travelers encountered a Sadhu, that is an Indian Holy man, who was almost dead. He was almost naked and did not have food. All the travelers did what they could for the Sadhu, providing him with food, water and clothes. They also carried him a short distance away from the base camp of the mountain, and then he was left alone, as his condition seemed to have improved.  They then went on their way, where they were able to reach their goal. However, guilt and dissatisfaction rose up in McCoy, when his fellow traveler asked him questions about whether their actions were right, in light of the goal they achieved. Thus, could reaching the peak be considered successful if it came at the expense of another’s life?

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