Sample Essay

This situation may push employees to work harder. If two employees are fired, then the remaining eight will work harder to ensure job certainty for them selves. If their quotas are raised then they will work harder to make sure they still earn the same or more commission.

This process will give Kimberly the opportunity to weed out the poor performers from amongst her 10 employees.

One threat is that ensuing dissatisfaction may make employees, who the company wants to retain, resign their jobs. This will depend on the demand for these employees. This will eventually hurt the company and bring into further financial distress if it starts losing a large number of its qualified employees.

In conclusion it can be said that the manager is in a tough spot. She needs to keep her employees motivated and make sure they do not start resenting the company. One good option for Anne would be too increase the sales quota needed for commissions. This could be accommodated in January and Feburary since an employee will be on unpaid leave, the sales quota could be dropped in response to one less employee.

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