Sample Essay – Integrated Approach to HRM
There are many situations in today’s work environment where such a philosophy would be extremely unpopular and would result in a wastage of the employees potential. Theory Y on the other hand is in total contrast. This theory assumes that a certain amount of work comes naturally to the human brain. Therefore work is not a forced exercise that humans will always run away from. So keeping this in mind theory Y claims that unlike what theory X claims coercion is not necessary to get the most from your employees.
It also suggests that employees are unique and full of potential and therefore employers should pay attention to the ideas that employees and allow employees to think beyond the narrow confines of their job description.
Even though these theories are in such sharp contrast it is clear that possibly with their integration (such as taking assumptions from each) can an organization be successfully run.
Integrated Approach to HRM
It is also very important to remember here that what theory is more relevant and their level of integration is more applicable depends on the specific circumstances. For example Theory X might be more applicable to less skilled workers while Theory Y is more applicable for highly trained ones.
However an employer might decide that even though he keeps employees under strict supervision because of an assumption of Theory X he might at the same time allow his employees to have a more flexible job description.
The Theory Z (Ouchi 81) which is today more recognized then Y or X was in fact an integration of the earlier two theories.
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