Sample Essay

HIV/AIDS is rapidly becoming a serious problem in many parts of the world. The UNAID report of December 2006 has given the number of AIDS victims already present in 2006 to be 39.5 million and those infected in 2006 to be 4.3 million(UNAID Dec 2006). A large amount of financing goes towards prevention and treatment of AIDS. Money goes towards promotion and production of condoms; a great deal of media coverage highlights this problem. Programs have been initiated, in developing and developed countries, at the school level to encourage safe sex and to delay having sex as far as possible. This article will cover what is already being done for AIDS prevention, the role of this drug and the practicality of  making it available to every-one and how to raise more financing which can be used to provide this drug to as many people as possible.

What is already being done?

A lot of emphasis has been laid on the use of condoms to prevent AIDS. Although their efficacy has been questioned, studies show that condoms are useful in the prevention of STDs including AIDS. For example a study by ‘amfar’ while highlighting the efficacy of condoms says- ‘When male condoms are used correctly and consistently, they are 80-95% effective in reducing the risk of HIV infection’ (Jan 2005). The report goes on to show that with women using condoms the risk is reduced even further to nearly 95% if the condom is used properly.

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