Sample Essay

In 90s, the Australian group Realm were the first computer hackers that were being executed for hacking they targeted US Defense and Nuclear research computer in 1980s. Jonathan James, a sixteen year old downloaded $1.7 million of software that controlled International Space station’s life sustaining elements along with intercepting US department of defense’s electronic messages for their nuclear program.

He was the youngest US hacker sentenced. Valdimir Levin, a Russian is considered to be a mastermind behind $10million worth of robbery at Citibank. Kevin Mitnick was once the most wanted man in cyberspace and was imprisoned for four and a half year, having record of committing several cyber crimes. Robert.T.Morris made the first internet worm. The longest sentence ever issued was to Smith creator of Melissa worm causing $80 million worth of business damage. He is working for FBI now. Every year hackers come up with innovative ways to challenge security professionals and system.

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