Sample Essay

All women have lower pay levels as compared to male colleagues. Even though, the number of women holding college degrees has increased women are still facing troubles and men are being promoted in their places. The root cause of this problem is not due to less effort by women rather it lies in the perception of men. Women International surveyed male CEO’s and female vice presidents on the existence of a Glass Ceiling in 1990. Not surprisingly, 73% of the male CEO’s thought there was no glass ceiling at the workplace whereas 71% of the women thought the glass ceiling existed (Hester)

Thus, women have been always continued to be thought of as a home maker who do not possess any skill or abilities to excel in the workplace due to male dominance for the most part. Women are not preferred to serve as board members or CEO’s of the company and majority of the executive directors are male. In spite of women proving their mettle and having the same qualifications the perception that women are not as able in the workplace as men remains a hindrance in female progress and promotion in whichever sector she chooses to work in due to the stereotyping of the female gender role.

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