Sample Essay

Gandhi always stressed on Hindu-Muslim unity and he fervently believed that there was never any real difference but a politically motivated difference made worse by British rule over the past years. In one of his quotes during the Round Table Conference speeches he says “Were Hindus and Mussalmans and Sikhs always at war with one another when there was no British rule, when there was no English face seen there? We have chapter and verse given to us by Hindu historians and by Mussalman historians to say that we were living in comparative peace even then.

And Hindus and Mussalmans in the villages are not even today quarrelling”.(2) The speech goes on to say that according to many Muslim and Hindu historians the Moghal rule (Muslim rulers) was not as bad for the Hindus as has been portrayed. However the painful political reality was that previously(in 1929) when the Congress had gone on its ‘swaraj’ or self-rule(complete independence) movement the Muslims had not participated in the movement. Their perception was that the Congress did not reflect the interest of the minority Muslims who would always be second rate citizens. In fact in the first Round Table Conference the Muslim League was present but the Congress was not. Gandhi did turn up in the 2nd Round Table Conference, he was the sole representative of the Congress, he insisted that the Congress was the only representatives of the Indian people including all the minorities and the parties stressing on the majority-minority issue such as the Muslim League were simply hangers-on and ‘communalists’

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