Sample Essay

Descartes started with defining knowledge in terms of doubt. He made a clear distinction between rigorous knowledge and lesser degrees of conviction by stating “I distinguish the two as follows: there is conviction where there remains some reason which might lead to doubt, but knowledge is conviction based on a reason so strong that it can never be shaken by any stronger reason” (1640 letter, AT 3:64-65).This quote clearly demonstrates the nature of quest of certainty for Descartes. Certainty for Descartes had to be absolute. Ultimately this quest led to his famous cogito ergo sum which is foundational for understanding the basis upon which we build our knowledge. This wants of absolute certainty also marks a new approach at looking at things because it starts with emphasizes on doubt, rather than beginning with certainty which was the norm of looking at things in those days. Below we shall attempt to outline how Descartes, by discarding all types of knowledge arrived at his conclusions.

Descartes started with the contemplation that on the face, it seemed that the earth is unmoved and that ordinary objects are just as they seem. However the newly formulated doctrines of the 17th century demonstrated clearly that such judgments are actually false. These new insights slowly led him thinking about the truth behind what we conceived to be reality and he realized that the intuitions derived from simple sensory perceptions cannot be trusted any longer. For instance in the  “First Meditation”   Descartes’ put forward the claim “ that I am here, sitting by the fire, wearing a winter dressing gown and so on.” He further goes on to say that even though doubt in these matters seems quite impossible or so it would seem but prime facia obviousness of such a particular claim does not provide sufficient proof. Descartes started to feel the need for a method to distinguish truth from felicity.

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