Sample Essay

This Sura is like the entire Quran, it touches on many facets and topics. One of these is the one that gives the Sura its name. The Sura covers the story(one which is touched on in other chapter’s of the Quran also) of the people of Israel.

This story is when Moses went upto the mountain to get God’s commandment for his people the people of Israel reverted back to their old methods of worship and basically betrayed the agreement they had with God and disobeyed him. Along with the narration of the story the Sura reminds us of the punishment that awaits those who disobey him. It also points out many practices that Muslim’s should follow. For example the Surah devotes a number of verses asking Muslim’s to be as generous as is within their capacity and also to respect the rights of those whom they come into contact with.

The Quran is a complex mix of the deeply spiritual to the prosaically practical. While this verse in this Sura is practical and offers practical guidance on a matter of daily concern, there are verses and passages in the Sura which deal eloquently with the complex spiritual matters that trouble man. Infact one extremely important element of this Sura is the description of the story of the Mirage. The Mirage was an intensely spiritual experienced by the Prophet Muhammad.

The contents of the Sura are extremely varied touching on many aspects of a variety of issues with different approaches and styles.

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