Sample Essay – Competitive Position of Apple

Apple is already a market leader in certain products that it sells, such as the MP3 player market as discussed above (Bulik, 2010). Advertising has three main functions, such as; ‘informing’, ‘persuading’ and ‘reminding’ while it depends upon which one to pursue depending on the competitive position in the market.

Therefore, Apple as a whole need as needs to adapt to a gradual proactive change thereby, reminding and informing the already brand loyal customers  about new product offerings and new product lines, for instance, the design and colour of the upcoming iPod models and iPhone models.

Competitive Position of Apple

The product use has to be kept in mind to market well to the customers, as Steve Jobs puts it, the iPhone is used by 94% of customers for checking emails as compared to 98% who use it for internet surfing, whereas, the remaining 80% prefer it to use the features the product has to offer.

Moreover, it leads to a cost effective stance as far as having a WiFi is concerned, for instance, other than the use mentioned above it can be used to watch videos and TV other than listening to music while even free calls can be made via Wifi hotspots.

Similarly, the PR team of the company needs to be communicated with the CEO in terms of his health conditions which keep stakeholders worried about their dealings with the company as he as a person is a brand for the brand, Apple.

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