Sample Essay

Britain‘s history is full of rise and fall in politics and even in economy. With the collapse of British rules and war periods the nation has suffered a lot in the name of barbarism, hunger, strikes, unemployment and wars. Despite of facing tough times the nation strived hard and worked towards the betterment of the kingdom. Economy was hardly hit by losses and failures because of wars and competitions but it managed to survive and worked hard in all times to gain the lost fortunes and maintain the glory of Britain.

The average Briton of 1870 was almost certainly wealthier than the ordinary citizen of every other country at that moment in history. (Michael Dintenfass, 1992) [1]

With the advancement in technology and opportunities the orthodox approach of people towards women has changed. They equally participated in the industrial revolution and worked hard to provide sustainable growth to the economy. Education also played an important role in creating awareness among people to fight for their rights and achieve social status. The entire nation benefited from education and its application in all fields of life. The conventional polices were abandoned and new modern polices were implemented to maximize the resources and achieve high outputs in from different industries. Nineteenth century is full of struggles and wars .

[1] Michael Dintenfass,1992, The Decline of IndustrialBritain, 1870-1980

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