Sample Essay

Most of these reported teenagers normally have never been behind the steering wheel before and when they get in drunken position, it makes them feel as somebody out of this world and they like to drive vehicles worse than ever. These unprofessional and unskilled young drivers go through the severe conditions of peer pressure, emotional and puberty changes while being drunk (Tim 2008).

The number of young alcohol consumers is gradually increasing with the passage of time. The parents and governing bodies are unable to stop this revolution in the youth, despite all the modernizations ad advancements made in the technology sector. Statistics prove that the normal alcohol consumption by the teenagers of ages 12 to 13 is approximately 1 once per month at the most minimum ratio scale. However, there is no maximum limit available which could calculate the quantity of alcohol intake by the youngsters. Another survey shows that approximately 1,794 children of ages 14 years were died in the alcohol-related motor vehicle accidents in 2006. Apart from that, 16,005 people were reported killed in the road accidents which were underage drunk drivers in the same year. In the year 2006, more than 8,200 (55 percent) of the drivers were reported to be involved in fatal crashes who had been drinking and had BAC of .15 or greater (2006 Drunk Driving Statistics).

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