The artificial intelligence that matches the intelligence of the human brain is known as general artificial intelligence (GAI). The present generation of smartphones and computers are considered to be examples of so-called narrow AI, which is limited to carrying out highly specialized or confined activities that are often supervised by humans.
Many people think that the first GAI is just around the corner.

One of the most well-known experts in AI, Ray Kurzweil, projects that the first GAI will be accessible in the year 2029. Kurzweil was the one who correctly foresaw the year in which a machine will defeat a human at chess. Bill Gates refers to him as the finest person to consult when predicting the future because of his numerous prior spot-on technology predictions.

Argumentative Essay on Artificial Intelligence

Human intellect might be readily replaced by general artificial intelligence. With the aid of robotic systems, it will be able to carry out both mental and physical tasks. Let’s say that in practically all professions, machine workers—who are incredibly simple to produce—become both more affordable and capable than people. 

A person will only continue to be competitive in fields where customers want to interact with other people rather than machines. Only the duration of these inclinations is unknown. After all, they may be valued more if cyber alternatives become clearly better to people in many aspects.

The demand for human work might drastically decline, causing salaries to plummet below the point of subsistence. That is, there is a very high danger for potential human employees because famine is a possibility. With a pitiful fixed income provided by the states that are controlled by machines, people may live in terrible conditions. Additionally, GAI won’t halt its advancement. It will begin an eternal cycle of self-improvement that is unfathomably quicker than human evolution.

Researchers distinguish between three different scenarios for an intelligent system evolving from a human to a super-intelligent level.

  1. Slow take-off will take place over a lengthy period of time, even millennia. Such a predicament offers the human race fantastic possibilities to deliberate its next steps, modify them to the circumstance, and appropriately respond to what is taking place. It will be possible to repeatedly test various strategies, train and develop new professionals, and fully govern AI.
  2. Fast take-off includes artificial intelligence getting advanced very quickly. Once a powerful AI is developed, it will begin to evolve on its own within a matter of weeks, days, hours, and eventually minutes. People won’t have much time to respond in this case with any kind of restraints.
  3. Reasonable takeoff will take place within a short period of time, ranging from many decades to several years. In this situation, mankind still has some time to respond to what is happening, but not enough to understand it.

Individuals are coming to the conclusion that it is preferable to start today than to wait until tomorrow to debate the potential effects of the rapid development of AI.

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