Importance of Female education

Education plays an important role in building up the character of a person. Education is a necessity for the betterment of the life of the individual and the betterment of the nation. Female education is often debated in many under developing countries. Many of these countries have not yet granted their women the permission to acquire education. When a woman is deprived of education it not only affects her life, it also affects her family and to the whole nation. (more…)

Importance of sociology

The importance of sociology is quite evident in the present chaotic world. It is growing popular day by day among human beings as it helps them to accelerate their living standards. Sociology, as a study, explains the conditions of life and teaches the social phenomena. Sociology provides general laws of society. Sociology as a profession is becoming popular in different nations of the world. Sociologists are employed in different sectors such as education, health, trade, industrial, and so on. Apart from the growth of scope of sociology, people increasingly prefer to study sociology and pursue their careers in the field of sociology. (more…)

Essay: Justified terrorism

Justified terrorism emerges as a politically incorrect term generating intense moral and humanitarian debate. In the present opinionated atmosphere, any attempt to rationalize terrorist acts on whatever grounds (moral or otherwise) is likely to be perceived as inhumane at both the popular as well as the scholarly levels. Since terrorist related activities are often heinous, aggravated and deplorable, any notion such as that of Robespierre that “virtue without terror is powerless” loses whatever credibility it may have as a moral maxim.


Essay: Effective Development and Implementation of Learning

Andragogy was labeled as an upcoming form of technology designed to facilitate effective development and implementation of learning activities among adults. The five assumptions of andragogy about the adult learner include self concept of directness, experience, readiness to learn, internal motivation and their orientation where they would like to apply the new knowledge immediately to solve problems (Knowles, 2005, p.145).
