Essay: What are Social networks

Sample Essay

Social networks were basically online communities, reportedly of people who shared common interests so they could interact with each other. Names such as MySpace, Orkut and Facebook sprung up and in a sense became a part of the everyday lives of the people around the world. Such a form encouraged various new ways of interaction and sharing information. Now they are regularly used by computer users globally.


Essay: Simultaneous multi-threading

Sample Essay

There is another very advanced multithreading model called superscalar multithreading, where a processor issue multiple instructions from a single thread in each CPU cycle. There is also a slight variation called simultaneous multithreading where in each CPU cycle the superscalar multiprocessor issue instruction from different threads. Since a single thread has limited amount of instruction level parallelism this model utilizes parallelism available across multiple threads and minimizes the possible waste associated with each slot allocated for processing.


Essay: Services to Promote Data Independence

Sample Essay

DB2 has two interfaces, either to use it from command line or use the Graphical user interface, the former requires a good knowledge of the product. The GUI based interface has a Java Client that makes it a multi-platform entity. It supports Structured Query Language SQL and XQuery with the implementation of XML data Storage that enables it to store XML as XML supporting faster query processing.


Essay: Role of Commuter trains

Sample Essay

Another factor that has lead to the increasing contribution of the railroad to the economy has been the development of commuter trains. In 2005 alone, 432 million trips were taken on the commuter alone. This is an increase from previous years, and to support this growth in demand, new commuter rails are being set up. These new rails will help combat the growing congestion on commuters and also give more options to people trying to avoid the full impact of increasing gasoline prices. For example in 2005 the plan was to open commuter trains inNashvilleand Alburquerque. Communities in areas likeSalt-lakeCityandPortlandare also looking for development in this sector. Also legislation such as.


Research Paper on Violence on Media and its impact on children

Violence is as old as the human race but now it is an increasing problem in modern society. With unlimited availability of guns explosives, the extent and effectiveness of aggressive activities has resulted in very severe outcomes.  If you look at the recent school shootings and the rising rate of youth killings among urban youngsters you will understand the extent of this threatening trend. While the causes of youth violence include such variables as poverty, family psychopathology, child abuse, exposure to domestic and community violence, substance abuse and other psychiatric disorders, the research literature is quite compelling that children’s exposure to media violence plays an important role in their aggressive behavior and violent behavior. (more…)

Hybrid Technology in Automobiles Industry

One of the most significant and famous symbols of the ‘Go Green’ movement is the Hybrid car. These cars extend the functionality of traditional internal combustion engines by combining them with a battery-powered electric motor that takes some work off from the diesel or petrol engines. In simple words, hybrid car is the one that uses more than one means of power. The main advantage of these types of cars are that it uses less fuel and emits less CO2 than most conventional vehicles used everywhere in the world. Not only that, in many countries hybrid car owners also get benefits to pay low rates of taxes and avoiding congestion charges. (more…)

HTTP Server Errors and Methods

Following are some of the most common HTTP server errors. The “500 Internal Server Error” is for requests that cannot be obliged by servers. The “501 Not Implemented” is for servers not supporting requests. The “502 Bad Gateway” is for servers receiving invalid responses from upstream servers. The “503 Service Unavailable”is for servers not being available due to overload or maintenance procedures being performed. The “504 Gateway Timeout” is for servers not receiving timely responses. And last, but not least, the “505 HTTP Version Not Supported” error is for when the HTTP version is not one that is supported by the server. (more…)

HTTP Client Errors

HTTP works making use of port number 80. Security testers have it in their repertoire to take away info from web servers with the help of HTTP commands. Some of the most common errors found while using the internet are HTTP client errors, such as the “404 Not Found” error. Basic knowledge regarding HTTP is useful for security testers and this is quite manageable as it is not necessary to learn how to use a lot of codes to extract data from web servers. If the return codes of a given web server are known, it can be determined what operating system (OS) is being used on the system on which the security testing is being done. Some of the most common HTTP client errors are discussed below. (more…)